Dare to Love

    Are You Really a Writer?

    Submitted by Maria Cox on Thu, 12/01/2022 - 16:25

    WriterSome people believe that unless you’re consumed by the desire to write that you’re likely not a ‘committed’ writer. After all, if you really really wanted to be a writer more than anything else in the world, you’d simply write more and be farther along with your novel, right? Hmm, maybe not.

    Expert for a Day

    Submitted by Blog Admin on Sat, 05/07/2022 - 11:33


    Veteran improv team, Current Ex-Boyfriend presents: The Secret to Love, Happiness and Other Easily Attainable Dreams. 


    Maria Cox will share some hot takes on the business of love that will inspire improv comedy that will inspire a Q &A that will inspire more improv. Get it?